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Aug 2019 UFA News Letter

What a great summer it has been for our association.  There have been lots of fun educational events to participate in.  We are happy for the opportunities we have to represent UFA for you our association and for our communities that we live and hunt in.  If you have not had a chance to read the “UFA by-laws”, the “Rules and Regulations for the state of Utah”, and to register your birds at:  please take the opportunity to do so now. If you have read these documents please keep yourself familiar with them as they are updated every year or two.           

March 16th we held an apprentice braiding workshop in Lehi, Utah. Becca Searle taught us how to braid leashes and jesses. This is a talent that all apprentices and or falconer should learn. The equipment you make is vital to training, caring for, and hunting your falcon. 

May 18th we had an apprentice workshop on making traps in Lehi, Utah. This workshop was taught by our esteemed member Jeremy Bagby. Traps aid in trapping sparrow etc. for food for your raptor. Knowing how to build this equipment makes your sport affordable. Supplies were donated by Jeremy.

How to braid Jesses taught by Becca

Jeremy's BC Trap

Early summer we had the opportunity to enjoy dinner at the 357 Burger’s in Murray, Utah. We enjoyed friend’s facts and fun about falconry.  It is always a great time to talk Birds….RIGHT? All those that were in attendance were invited to shoot at the TNT gun range.

On August 3, we enjoyed a BBQ at the Margaret Wines Park in Lehi, Utah. What was expected to be a very hot sultry day turn into a delightful afternoon as the skies sent forth rain to cool things off.  The association provided pulled pork and rolls. A variety of side dishes were brought by all of you creating the perfect BBQ. We had quite a few birds attend as well showing off their new plumage and sleek feathers. Meeting was conducted by Spencer Bennett:

Eyas BBQ

Meeting notes:

Association funds: $3562.35. Membership is at 110 members. We will be sending out a marketing email to help bolster our ranks and to let those whose membership has expired to sign back up. If you have apprentices or friends that have let their membership expire, please reach out to them and encourage them to sign up.

Currently we have three eagle projects in process: Kestrel Boxes in Payson, Cedar Hills, and Richfield. Anyone interested or know someone that needs help with an eagle project contact Jim Hamilton at


As an association we are working on plans to market ourselves to the public.  If we are not actively doing so, others will do it for us which may not be good publicity.  By being more involved we will be better prepared to go to the next RAC meeting.

We will be trying a new voting platform.  More information and trials will happen in the next few months. Participation is key to success.

Be sure to visit “Falconry Fund Podcast” supported by Israel Mattson and Carter Wilford.

Thanks for helping with the falconry website Israel Mattson.

Thanks for the help with the apprentice workshops: Jeremiah Bagby and Becca Serale

Thanks to Spencer Bennett for conducting the meeting

Eyas BBQ Weathering Area

Congratulations go out to:

Jeff Broadbent for his capture of a wild Gyr from Alaska.

Arron Adams for his article about hunting with Merlins that was published in American Falconry magazine.

Zach Fossum for getting and eagle permit.

Mark your calendars for the following events:

September 7th-Utah Youth Water Fowl Festival

September 14th-5:00PM Casual Dinner at 357 Burger’s in Murray, Utah

October 11th-12th-King Fredrick’s meet at Crystal Hot Springs in Honeyville, Utah

October 31st-November 2nd—IFA (Idaho Falconers Assoc.) Annual Field Meet in Arco, Idaho

November 8th-9th—Southern Slam in Southern Utah. Exact location TBA.

November 16th-5:00PM Casual Dinner at 357 Burger’s in Murray, Utah

December 14th-5:00PM Casual Dinner at 357 Burger’s in Murray, Utah

January 18th-Rabbit Roundup in Fairfield, Utah Detail to follow

Winterfest returning 2020 with the help of the UFA, Ben Woodruff, and John Griggs. As events get closer more information will come out. Go to our website to register and you will get the update via email.

A big thanks to Jim Hamilton for coordinating many of the donations and officiating the raffle. Donations provided from: Cabelas, Adam Davis with Tooth and Talon, Anglers den, Mike’s Falconry, Steve Chindgrin, and Klymit.

Apprentice Coordinator notes:

Any one that has friends interested in being falconers have them text Ted Doman text only 801-726-7274.  Ted is trying to compile a list of falconer that have been a general for 2 years that are willing to be sponsors. Please text him ASAP.  We need sponsors all over Utah. 

Trivia: Which owl is the largest and most endangered in the world? What does it eat? Where does it live? The correct answer will be published in the next issue.  Happy Hunting:}

Raffle Winners:

Falconry gloves; Ted Doman, Scott Peterson

Beanie; Ted Doman, Jacob Peck x2, Mike

Simms Fishing shirt; Freebird

Ball Swivel; Jeremy Pottenger, Dan Olsen

Klymit; Steve Chindgrin

T-shirt; Freebird x2, Mike Sayamontry

Book-The Art of Hawking by Steve Chindgrin; Spencer Bennett

Bass Pro Shop Eclipes; Freebird

Cabelas ball caps; Mike Sayamontry, Jacob Peck

Hood; David

Cabelas 10x42 trade winds Marine Binoculares; Scott Peterson

Flambeau Stuff Box; Mike Sayamontry

Falconry hunting vest; David

Cabalas catch all totes; Jacob Peck, Dan Olsen, Mike Sayamontry, and Freebird

Stickers; Tyson, Dan Olsen, Christian Green, Sabrina Freebird

Grand Prize Binoculars; Jacob Peck


President: Craig Boren

Vice President: Spencer Bennett

Apprentice Coordinator: Ted Doman

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